Settlement asset : EUCT
All transactions on the EuroSX infrastructure are based on the EUro Coin Token (EUCT), an electronic money token converted at exact parity with the euro.The EUCT complies with MiCA regulation and is fully backed by the Euro. Euro reserves are held with regulated financial institutions. Certificates are issued monthly.This asset guarantees settlement and delivery of securities, protects against counterparty risk and cannot be used anywhere other than on the platform. Your funds are safe on the platform.Unlike most platforms offering e-money tokens, there is no charge for conversion between FIAT currency and e-money tokens.
Bank details (IBAN)
An individual or a company can manage a list of IBANs to identify the origin or destination of funds related to his operations. No transaction can be carried out from or to an IBAN that has not been declared in advance.As no personal data is stored on the blockchain, bank details are not stored or displayed.
Wallets are accounts for storing securities and electronic money tokens held on the platform by a user or an organization.When a user or organization is deployed on the blockchain, a wallet is automatically created and attached to their account. It is then possible to create and deploy additional wallets, and to associate different strategies with them:- either by entrusting them to different operators (delegation or mandate)
- or in order to separate accounts associated with different investment strategies and obtain more detailed reporting on your operations.
Converting Euro FIAT to digital Euro : The deposit
The deposit allows you to convert Euros into EUCTs on the platform. EUCTs are required for all issuing and investment operations.A user can make a deposit on a portfolio:- associated with a personal account ;
- or associated with a company account. To do so, he/she must be a member of the company or of an organization mandated to carry out this management. In both cases he must have the permissions to carry out this operation beforehand.
Unlike most platforms offering e-money tokens, the deposit is commission-free. 100% of the deposit amount is converted into EUCT.
Converting digital Euro to Euro FIAT : The withdrawal
Withdrawal converts EUCT into Euros transferred to the customer's bank account. Users can select the portfolio from which they wish to withdraw EUCT and the bank details to which the corresponding transfer in EuroSX is to be made.Unlike most platforms offering e-money tokens, the withdrawal is commission-free. 100% of the withdrawn amount is converted into EUCT.
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